from the prison of my mind - the morning
4:02 am.
Closing Words. Insomnium. Closing? Mda, nu e melodia cu cel mai potrivit titlu pentru un inceput de zi. This will be for now and for ever the diverging of our paths... Dar imi place la nebunie. Now that this night has turned into a dawn... Uite, asta ar merge daca ar mai fi vara si s-ar lumina mai devreme, imi pare asa rau dupa zilele lungi de vara. I step aside from this path of grieving... A fost una din cele mai ascultate melodii in perioada august-septembrie anul trecut. Left with all these things I never had chance to say... Si Insomnium e una din trupele mele preferate. You must stop your bleeding before you run yourself dry, you must let go of your wound... Stiu ca trebuie sa las toata povestea in urma si am stiut asta de cand l-am impins la o parte si m-am carat din patul lui... I give up this life I have been leading... Lenesa. Left with all these things I never meant to say... Sa ne jucam putin. Words deceitful, double-dealing...
Refriger-raiders. So does hate pause and resentment turn to reason... Tom & Jerry. Alone... Da, stiu, e joc de copii, dar mie imi place. Alone...
Ain't Crying for the Moon. Kingdom Come. Impuscati-ma ca nu-s prea "coapta la minte" si ma joc jocuri de copii cu suzeta. Tried to believe in something... Expresia profului de mate din liceu. It's tearing me all apart... Am auzit ca e mort acum. No use to keep pretending... Eu stau langa un cimitir. I'm lying, I can't give up... Acum aproape sapte ani, la putina vreme dupa ce am venit in Bucuresti, am vazut langa gardul cimitirului o cruce pe care scria numele lui. Anybody knowing what to do, anybody feels the way I do? Da, stiu, coincidenta. The end is getting closer far to soon... Eu sunt Jerry. I ain't crying for the moon... Imi place sa fiu ala mic si rautacios, nu ala mare si tantalau. Trying to top my scoring... Wanna stop my dice from rolling... Asta jucam si acum trei ani si trei luni, in noaptea dinaintea examenului la FLA (Formal Languages and Automata). Obsession... Depression... Nu, nu-s normala. A king without a crown... Who's the fool behind this frown? A fost totusi interesant cursul ala. Ready for showdown, fighting my last round... Si cel din continuarea lui, cel de compilatoare. Leave behind the past we knew... no regrets, no substitutes...
Nobody's Fool. Cinderella. Indesat plastice si hartii si sticle in ghiozdan. I count the falling tears, they fall before my eyes... Indesat castile in urechi. I call you on the phone, but never get a rise... Plecat in excursie pana la tomberoanele de la coltul blocului. So sit there all alone, it's time you realize... Golit si cutiuta postala la intoarcere. You take your road, I'll take mine... Studiat continutul pana la usa. I scream my heart out... Abandonat plicurile si pliantele pe jos in hol. But now I've changed my mind...
Hey You. Quireboys. Dusul de dimineata. Show me how this happened so fast... Cu apa fierbinte-fierbinte. Sure is sad, now it's a fact... Sa simt ca ma curata. Made a fool of me behind my back... Insa nu-mi va curata niciodata si sangele din mine. All those stories and all them lies... As vrea sa pot sa-l inlocuiesc pe tot uneori. Oh, baby, you never compromised... Uneori doar... yeah...
The Big L. Roxette. Gel de dus cu aroma de vanilie - got the world on a string... Dugy spune ca are efect afrodisiac - makes me boogie, makes me do anything... That must be why I'm so horny. The big lust, bring it into the small world... Gel de dus cu aroma de lamaie si grapefruit. Waiting to catch the big one... Gel de dus cu aroma de nectarine. Hey now, touch the sky... Gel de dus cu aroma de ciocolata. Hey now, move the sky... Scrub cu aroma de cocos si ciocolata. There's a certain kind of look in that smile... Sapun cu aroma de zmeura. It has to be a big thing... Scrub cu aroma de mure. Ya know what I'm saying...
Death Walked the Earth. Insomnium. Pasi uzi pe covorasul cu delfini. What have I for you to offer...
I Ain't No Nice Guy. Motorhead & Ozzy. & Slash. Animalul de plus e pufos. When I was young... Ma linisteste sa iau cate unul in brate si sa il mangai. I thought I was the chosen one... Suc de mere. But time went by and I found out a thing or two... Rece, cu bucatele de gheata. My shine wore off as time wore on... Eu si extremele. I thought that I was living out the perfect life... Imi plac senzatiile tari. But in the lonely hours when the truth begins to bite... Am stiut. I thought about the times when I turned my back & stalled... In dimineata aia am stiut. Ca pana sa se termine ziua... When I was young I was the only game in town... De ce trebuie sa-mi aduc aminte de ziua aia? I thought I had it down for sure... Au trecut deja cinci luni. But time went by and I was lost in what I found... Sunt poate prea orgolioasa. The reasons blurred, the way unsure... Dar nu imi pare rau. I thought that I was living life the only way... Desi poate ca... But as I saw that life was more than day to day... Nu, n-are nici o legatura cu moralitatea. I turned around, I read the writing on the wall... Nu cred ca o sa fiu in stare sa ma decid vreodata ce parere am despre ce s-a intamplat, cine a intentionat sa profite de cine. I ain't no nice guy after all... Amandoi am jucat murdar... In all the years you spend between your birth and death... Nu vreau sa-mi caut scuze. You find there's lots of times you should have saved your breath... Nu vreau sa-i caut nici lui scuze. It comes as quite a shock when that trip leads to fall.... Poate ca ar trebui sa ma simt bine ca lucrurile au decurs asa. I ain't no nice guy after all... Imi da dreptul sa anulez un cosmar monstruos si vechi, dar eu nu ma pot multumi doar cu anularea lui, vreau sa il fac praf. I ain't no nice guy after all...
Livin' On the Edge. Aerosmith. Crema cu aroma de ciocolata pe pielea din jurul unghiilor de la picioare. There's something wrong with the world today... Sosetele mele verzi de la care a pornit totul. We're livin' on the edge... N-o sa uit niciodata cat m-am bucurat atunci. You can't help yourself from fallin'... S-a terminat, stii? Even if it wasn't would you still come crawling back again? Dar nu conteaza. I bet you would, my friend... Nu vreau sa conteze. Again and again and again and again and again... Nu vreau sa simt ca n-as mai avea pentru ce sa lupt. And everybody knows it's wrong...
Brother. Alice in Chains. Urmeaza coatele, genunchii, juliturile. Frozen in the place I hide... Crema cu aroma de ananas. Not afraid to paint my sky... Fruttini. Some who say I've lost my mind... Si parca a inceput sa mi se para ca e cam frig. Roses in a vase of white, bloodied by the thorns beside the leaves that fall because my hand is pulling them hard as I can... S-a terminat vara. I know that pain and I won't run away like I used to do... Desi de cand am venit la facultate septembrie a fost mereu tot un fel de luna de vara pentru mine. Pictures in a box at home, yellowing and green with mold so I can barely see your face, wonder how that color tastes...
Cardiff. Stone Sour. Portocaliu, maro, bej? This fluid feels like pain, this stoic mood is all in vain... Hmmm... I reach into the dark, I tear this other me apart... Bej! You.. can't.. kill.. my... mind... Si deodorantul Fruttini de ananas. Save me from my bitterness, give me up, I did my best... S-au trezit oare? Shock this system full of shit, mock this fucker lost in it... Probabil ca da. I know my life will end... Sa pun mana pe telefon si sa sun. I'll reach into the past, my future's fading fast... Dar imi e prea teama sa intreb ce vreau sa intreb de fapt. This smoke is in my blood... Si intrebarea ramane nerostita si raspunsul ramane in continuare o necunoscuta. This life is not enough!
If I Ever Lose My Mind. Magnum. Moneda in rol de titirez. Tired and neglected, lost for the moment, thoughts are collected, never relent... Si incerc sa ma decid ce voi face. I wouldn't change it for a thousand years if I ever lose my mind... Daca... Pretty soon I'll have to play my hand... Dar daca... After all, they're my mistakes... Stau si studiez listuta. Caught in the shadows, hiding completely, all good intentions carry the day... Si tot tai de pe ea. I really don't know where we are... Vreau sa simplific totul. Or what we've become... Sa elimin tot ce poate merge prost. I wouldn't change it for a thousand years if I ever lose my mind... Mi-e frica. After all, they're my mistakes...
Closing Words. Insomnium. Closing? Mda, nu e melodia cu cel mai potrivit titlu pentru un inceput de zi. This will be for now and for ever the diverging of our paths... Dar imi place la nebunie. Now that this night has turned into a dawn... Uite, asta ar merge daca ar mai fi vara si s-ar lumina mai devreme, imi pare asa rau dupa zilele lungi de vara. I step aside from this path of grieving... A fost una din cele mai ascultate melodii in perioada august-septembrie anul trecut. Left with all these things I never had chance to say... Si Insomnium e una din trupele mele preferate. You must stop your bleeding before you run yourself dry, you must let go of your wound... Stiu ca trebuie sa las toata povestea in urma si am stiut asta de cand l-am impins la o parte si m-am carat din patul lui... I give up this life I have been leading... Lenesa. Left with all these things I never meant to say... Sa ne jucam putin. Words deceitful, double-dealing...

Ain't Crying for the Moon. Kingdom Come. Impuscati-ma ca nu-s prea "coapta la minte" si ma joc jocuri de copii cu suzeta. Tried to believe in something... Expresia profului de mate din liceu. It's tearing me all apart... Am auzit ca e mort acum. No use to keep pretending... Eu stau langa un cimitir. I'm lying, I can't give up... Acum aproape sapte ani, la putina vreme dupa ce am venit in Bucuresti, am vazut langa gardul cimitirului o cruce pe care scria numele lui. Anybody knowing what to do, anybody feels the way I do? Da, stiu, coincidenta. The end is getting closer far to soon... Eu sunt Jerry. I ain't crying for the moon... Imi place sa fiu ala mic si rautacios, nu ala mare si tantalau. Trying to top my scoring... Wanna stop my dice from rolling... Asta jucam si acum trei ani si trei luni, in noaptea dinaintea examenului la FLA (Formal Languages and Automata). Obsession... Depression... Nu, nu-s normala. A king without a crown... Who's the fool behind this frown? A fost totusi interesant cursul ala. Ready for showdown, fighting my last round... Si cel din continuarea lui, cel de compilatoare. Leave behind the past we knew... no regrets, no substitutes...
Nobody's Fool. Cinderella. Indesat plastice si hartii si sticle in ghiozdan. I count the falling tears, they fall before my eyes... Indesat castile in urechi. I call you on the phone, but never get a rise... Plecat in excursie pana la tomberoanele de la coltul blocului. So sit there all alone, it's time you realize... Golit si cutiuta postala la intoarcere. You take your road, I'll take mine... Studiat continutul pana la usa. I scream my heart out... Abandonat plicurile si pliantele pe jos in hol. But now I've changed my mind...
Hey You. Quireboys. Dusul de dimineata. Show me how this happened so fast... Cu apa fierbinte-fierbinte. Sure is sad, now it's a fact... Sa simt ca ma curata. Made a fool of me behind my back... Insa nu-mi va curata niciodata si sangele din mine. All those stories and all them lies... As vrea sa pot sa-l inlocuiesc pe tot uneori. Oh, baby, you never compromised... Uneori doar... yeah...
The Big L. Roxette. Gel de dus cu aroma de vanilie - got the world on a string... Dugy spune ca are efect afrodisiac - makes me boogie, makes me do anything... That must be why I'm so horny. The big lust, bring it into the small world... Gel de dus cu aroma de lamaie si grapefruit. Waiting to catch the big one... Gel de dus cu aroma de nectarine. Hey now, touch the sky... Gel de dus cu aroma de ciocolata. Hey now, move the sky... Scrub cu aroma de cocos si ciocolata. There's a certain kind of look in that smile... Sapun cu aroma de zmeura. It has to be a big thing... Scrub cu aroma de mure. Ya know what I'm saying...
Death Walked the Earth. Insomnium. Pasi uzi pe covorasul cu delfini. What have I for you to offer...
I Ain't No Nice Guy. Motorhead & Ozzy. & Slash. Animalul de plus e pufos. When I was young... Ma linisteste sa iau cate unul in brate si sa il mangai. I thought I was the chosen one... Suc de mere. But time went by and I found out a thing or two... Rece, cu bucatele de gheata. My shine wore off as time wore on... Eu si extremele. I thought that I was living out the perfect life... Imi plac senzatiile tari. But in the lonely hours when the truth begins to bite... Am stiut. I thought about the times when I turned my back & stalled... In dimineata aia am stiut. Ca pana sa se termine ziua... When I was young I was the only game in town... De ce trebuie sa-mi aduc aminte de ziua aia? I thought I had it down for sure... Au trecut deja cinci luni. But time went by and I was lost in what I found... Sunt poate prea orgolioasa. The reasons blurred, the way unsure... Dar nu imi pare rau. I thought that I was living life the only way... Desi poate ca... But as I saw that life was more than day to day... Nu, n-are nici o legatura cu moralitatea. I turned around, I read the writing on the wall... Nu cred ca o sa fiu in stare sa ma decid vreodata ce parere am despre ce s-a intamplat, cine a intentionat sa profite de cine. I ain't no nice guy after all... Amandoi am jucat murdar... In all the years you spend between your birth and death... Nu vreau sa-mi caut scuze. You find there's lots of times you should have saved your breath... Nu vreau sa-i caut nici lui scuze. It comes as quite a shock when that trip leads to fall.... Poate ca ar trebui sa ma simt bine ca lucrurile au decurs asa. I ain't no nice guy after all... Imi da dreptul sa anulez un cosmar monstruos si vechi, dar eu nu ma pot multumi doar cu anularea lui, vreau sa il fac praf. I ain't no nice guy after all...
Livin' On the Edge. Aerosmith. Crema cu aroma de ciocolata pe pielea din jurul unghiilor de la picioare. There's something wrong with the world today... Sosetele mele verzi de la care a pornit totul. We're livin' on the edge... N-o sa uit niciodata cat m-am bucurat atunci. You can't help yourself from fallin'... S-a terminat, stii? Even if it wasn't would you still come crawling back again? Dar nu conteaza. I bet you would, my friend... Nu vreau sa conteze. Again and again and again and again and again... Nu vreau sa simt ca n-as mai avea pentru ce sa lupt. And everybody knows it's wrong...

Cardiff. Stone Sour. Portocaliu, maro, bej? This fluid feels like pain, this stoic mood is all in vain... Hmmm... I reach into the dark, I tear this other me apart... Bej! You.. can't.. kill.. my... mind... Si deodorantul Fruttini de ananas. Save me from my bitterness, give me up, I did my best... S-au trezit oare? Shock this system full of shit, mock this fucker lost in it... Probabil ca da. I know my life will end... Sa pun mana pe telefon si sa sun. I'll reach into the past, my future's fading fast... Dar imi e prea teama sa intreb ce vreau sa intreb de fapt. This smoke is in my blood... Si intrebarea ramane nerostita si raspunsul ramane in continuare o necunoscuta. This life is not enough!
If I Ever Lose My Mind. Magnum. Moneda in rol de titirez. Tired and neglected, lost for the moment, thoughts are collected, never relent... Si incerc sa ma decid ce voi face. I wouldn't change it for a thousand years if I ever lose my mind... Daca... Pretty soon I'll have to play my hand... Dar daca... After all, they're my mistakes... Stau si studiez listuta. Caught in the shadows, hiding completely, all good intentions carry the day... Si tot tai de pe ea. I really don't know where we are... Vreau sa simplific totul. Or what we've become... Sa elimin tot ce poate merge prost. I wouldn't change it for a thousand years if I ever lose my mind... Mi-e frica. After all, they're my mistakes...
10 pareri
- cine
- Neliniştitu'
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 02:05:00 EEST
O duminică plăcută să ai. :)
- cine
- brontozaurel
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 02:39:00 EEST
Mersi la fel :)
- cine
- krossfire
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 09:13:00 EEST
- cine
- brontozaurel
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 15:09:00 EEST
Mie imi place tocmai pentru ca suna a Insomnium :P chiar daca nu m-am atasat de vreo melodie asa cum m-am atasat de Bereavement sau de Closing Words sau de In the Halls of Awaiting sau de Drawn to Black.
Si imi place mult cum e facut videoclipul de la Down with the Sun.
- cine
- Florin
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 22:21:00 EEST
Imi place titlul.
Io-s mai uituc de fel, nu ma vad in stare sa retin atatea detalii.
- cine
- brontozaurel
- cand
- duminică, 27 septembrie 2009 la 23:04:00 EEST
- cine
- DeMaio
- cand
- luni, 28 septembrie 2009 la 23:41:00 EEST
- cine
- brontozaurel
- cand
- luni, 28 septembrie 2009 la 23:56:00 EEST
Doamneee, cine-ar putea sa-l imite pe Tommy Keifer la "i screeeaaaamed my heart out" sau "but now I've changed my mind" sau "since we broke the tieeeeeees" 8->
- cine
- Garm
- cand
- marți, 29 septembrie 2009 la 17:34:00 EEST
- cine
- brontozaurel
- cand
- marți, 29 septembrie 2009 la 22:51:00 EEST
Da-ti si tu cu parerea!
Mai jos se pot scrie tampenii. Nu mai mari ca alea de mai sus...
Insa inainte de orice altceva, vezi cum se comenteaza: indrumar tehnic si reguli!
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