top 5 filme
Pe stil propriu...
M-am trezit ieri ca am primit o leapsa - sa fac un top personal al filmelor preferate. Am studiat crapaturile din plafon, m-am scarpinat in cap, dar tot nu mi-a venit nici o idee. Eu nu ma [prea] uit la filme. Ma plictisesc. M-am uitat la seriale de genul Kommissar Rex, Flipper, Lassie... Sunt documentare pe anumite teme care ma prind - chestii de genul asta sau asta sau asta.
Dar... ma uit la desene animate. Asa ca as putea sa fac un top al filmelor animate preferate. In ordine inversa ar fi...
5. An American Tail. E unul din putinele filme animate pe care le-am vazut cand eram mica. Majoritatea celorlalte le-am vazut tarziu, dupa anul trei de facultate. "There are no cats in America..."
4. The Halloween Tree. Din cauza acelei parti de la sfarsit...
"What if I gave you... something of value... say, a year of my life?"
"You'd do that for him?"
"Yes! A year from the end of my life - it's yours if it would save Pip."
"One precious year from the far burn-out candle end of you life, eh? Think before you answer! You won't miss now, but sixty years from tonight, seventy-two or eighty would I come for payment you may regret it... Is he worth it, this friend of yours?"
3. The Last Unicorn. "I can feel this body dying all around me..." "I have known them all and they have not made me happy..."
2. The Fox and the Hound.
1. Brother Bear.
Edit: Uitasem - leapsa se duce mai departe la... oricine vrea sa se serveasca.
4 pareri
- cine
- Ionut
- cand
- joi, 19 mai 2011 la 17:54:00 EEST
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- brontozaurel
- cand
- vineri, 20 mai 2011 la 13:48:00 EEST
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- krossfire
- cand
- vineri, 27 mai 2011 la 17:44:00 EEST
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- brontozaurel
- cand
- sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011 la 22:24:00 EEST
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